5 Quick Stress Reducing Tips


By Azumio, Inc.


Stress is a part of life – monitoring stress and implementing ways to reduce it should be a practice in your life as well.

When we are under pressure, worried, or distraught, stress starts to take form and typically moves us from a position of bad to worse. Stress can lead to many harmful symptoms including irritability, aggravation, physical pains and aches, anxiety, and a plethora of unhealthy problems dealing with the body and the mind. 

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is monitor and attempt to reduce stress on a daily basis. Stress comes from everyday activities and, whether we realize it or not, can have long-term effects on our body and mind if not handled correctly. 

As a leader in the Mobile Health industry, Azumio encourages you to try to exercise five simple stress-reducing tips in order to live a healthier, stress-free lifestyle: 

1. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. 

People take sleep for granted. The body must have enough efficient sleep on a weekly basis in order to recover from everyday activities. Force yourself to make time for more sleep even if that means not watching television at night during the week. 

2. Manage your time efficiently to accomplish tasks. 

Nothing says stress like having to complete a task in a limited time. Some of these circumstances we cannot control, but others we can. For example, if you are moving, start packing weeks before so you won’t be frantic when it’s time to finally move out. 

3. Avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol. 

It goes without saying that excessive drinking can be detrimental to your health, but people tend to think that having a few cocktails help reduce stress. While it may work as a short-term solution, heavy drinking prevents us from entering deep stages of sleep resulting in a feeling of restlessness. As we know, a lack of sleep leads to very high and potentially harmful stress levels. 

4. Do some enjoyable activities whenever possible. 

We may not enjoy every aspect of our lives, such as work, every person has something that they DO enjoy. If you love being outdoors, don’t stay cooped up inside all weekend. Even if you feel depressed, take a walk outside and you’ll be reminded exactly why you love the outdoors. Being in a relaxed state is crucial in successful stress reduction. 

5. Accept that there are things in life that you cannot change. 

We as humans have a hard time accepting things in our lives that we cannot change and spend an incredible amount of time thinking about them. Do your best to accept events in the past and realize that there are things in life that we have no control over. These events and factors in life are ultimately senseless to dwell over and can only bring our bodies more harm due to stress. 

Main Photo Credit: Alliance/
