A 20-Minute Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

With one or two dumbbells, you can get a major body workout in no time.


By Cori


Have a pair of dumbbells? Bored of doing the same moves and want a new full-body workout that will help you build strength and get your blood pumping?

Then grab that pair of dumbbells and get ready to work with this quick Full-Body Dumbbell Workout!

To do this workout, you will need a pair of dumbbells. For some of these moves, you can use only one dumbbell.

The 20-Minute Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

For this workout, set a timer for 20 minutes and complete as many rounds as you can during that time. Rest only if needed. The more you can keep moving and going from one exercise to the next, while still challenging yourself with weights and reps, the more you will get out of your 20 minutes! Record how many rounds of the circuit you complete and try to beat it next time!


8-12 reps per side Single Leg Deadlift Row

4-6 reps per side DB T Push Up

6-8 reps per side Rainbow Split Squat Jumps

6-8 reps per side Renegade Row

8-12 reps DB Sit Up

Single Leg Deadlift Row 

To do the Single Leg Deadlift Row, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Shift your weight onto one foot.

Then hinge over, pushing your butt back as you keep your back flat. Lower the weights toward the ground as you feel your glute and hamstring loading. Do not round your back or reach toward the ground. Drop the weights down and back toward your foot as you raise your lifted leg back toward the wall behind you.

Hinge over then pause and row the weights up, driving your elbows in and back. Row the weights initiating the pull with your back. Lower the weights back down then come back up to standing. Tap your foot down and squeeze the glute of your standing leg then repeat on the same side.

DB T Push Up

To do the DB T Push Up, hold a dumbbell in each hand and set up in the high plank position. Perform a push up from your toes if you are advanced, or on your knees if you are a beginner. Make sure your core moves as one unit and you don’t do the worm as you do a push up.

At the top of the push up, rotate into a side arm balance, pivoting onto the sides of your feet as you raise one weight up towards the ceiling. Pause for a second in this side plank position then lower the weight back down, perform a push up and do a side arm balance on the other side. Keep alternating side arm balances after each push up.

Rainbow Split Squat Jumps

For this move, you will need one dumbbell. Hold the dumbbell with both hands. Lunge back on one side and bring the dumbbell next to the hip of the front leg. Then jump and switch to a lunge on the other side.

As you jump and switch to the other side, lift the weight up and overhead to bring it down next to the other hip when you land. You will draw a “rainbow” with the weight up and overhead as you jump from lunge to lunge. Get as low in the lunge as you can and move as quickly as you can.

Beginners can step as they make a rainbow with the weight instead of jumping.

Renegade Row

To do the Renegade Row, set up in a high plank position with each hand on a weight and your feet wider apart. Placing your feet wider apart will make it easier to stabilize and give you a wider base. Beginners may need to do this from their knees.

With your body in a nice straight line from your head to your heels, row one weight up towards your chest, driving your elbow down towards your hip and back up towards the ceiling. Make sure that as you row you brace your abs and squeeze your glutes. You want to fight your body’s urge to rotate as you row one weight up at a time.

Lower the weight back down and row the weight up on the other side. Keep alternating until all reps are complete. Keep your core braced and fight the rotation as you alternate rows.

DB Sit Up

Lie back on the ground with your legs out straight in front of you, about shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in both hands. Press the weight straight up towards the ceiling.

Keeping your arms straight, sit up, pressing the weight back and up overhead. Sit up nice and tall, and then lie back down. Keep the weight pressed straight up towards the ceiling and your arms extended the entire time. Feel your abs working to help you sit up.

For more dumbbell exercises, even just using one dumbbell, check out these 23 Moves!

Cori is the owner of Redefining Strength, a functional training facility in Orange County, California focused on helping each client find their strong. She started training and writing a fitness blog in 2011 because she wanted to empower people through diet and exercise so that they can lead healthier, happier lives.