5 Ways To Get More Efficient Sleep

Changing some habits in your daily routine can lead to a better night's sleep.


By Azumio, Inc.


It’s much harder getting through the day if you are constantly fighting to keep your eyelids open by downing coffee and energy drinks.

Don’t stress over your poor sleep too much. There are things you can change in your daily routine to help you get a better night’s sleep! 

1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule even on weekends. 

Our bodies need a balance between day and night; this 24 hour cycle is called the circadian rhythm. Our circadian rhythm influences when and how long we sleep as well as the quality of our sleep. The more stable your circadian rhythm, the better you’ll sleep. 

2. Create a sleep-conducive environment. 

Make sure your bedroom is temperature-regulated, dark, quiet, and comfortable. Also make sure your sleeping environment is free of allergens. This may require you to have your pet sleep elsewhere. 

3. Use your bedroom only for sleep. 

If you use your bedroom for other purposes, such as an office or an entertainment room, you can associate the bed with those other activities, which can then make it difficult for you to fall asleep come bedtime. 

4. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol close to bedtime. 

Caffeine and nicotine are both stimulants and may make it more difficult to fall asleep. Coffee, tea, soft beverages, and chocolate remain in the body on average from 3 to 5 hours and can affect some for an even longer period of time. While alcohol’s sedative nature may help you fall asleep, it often causes nighttime awakenings that will result in a disrupted night’s sleep. Alcohol also can prevent you from getting efficient REM sleep. 

5. Be smart about napping. 

A long nap or a nap taken too late in the day may adversely affect the length and quality of nighttime sleep. Long naps can also leave people feeling groggy or disoriented.